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Fiorella Migliore, more than an actress

 Fiorella Migliore actress for Deshabille Magazine

When did your acting career started and what are the emotions that have you experienced at the beginning?

As far as I remember, I started when I was in school, in a Romeo and Juliette’ s scene I had to play 2 characters (somehow dressed as male and Juliette, while Romeo was interpreted by the boy I was in love with at the time!). Then I studied acting in Paraguay as a side activity of being a girl.

I can feel so much fun now that I think about those experiences, even now, if I have to be honest, every time I have to play a character or host, I feel (a lot) nervous..! That’s my fuel to perform, I guess.

Fiorella Migliore Actress

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Both theatre and cinema gave you the privilege of turning into different persona on stage. How does this contribute to your professional and personal growth?

Interpreting a character is always a big lesson for me. Not only because I have to go through emotions, do research on the personality or creation of my character but the most important thing I’ve learned is not to judge. You learn to put in someone’s shoes even if he/she’s a person you’d consider a “bad person”… then you travel to their personal experiences that led them to be that way… you definitely learn to be more empathetic.


Fiorella Migliore actress on the stage
Photo courtesy of G. Nunez Photography

How is working in Television and cinema throughout so many different countries in South America, Italy and US? What have you learned from so many diverse backgrounds?

From my own personal experience, they’re three very different levels in all senses, almost like 3 different dimensions interconnecting somehow. So hard to explain without a personal perspective. I learned that no matter where you are, if you give 108% of your effort, you’ll have good results. What I learned the most is to KNOW and FEEL what I want in my path. What is my goal, rather than if I want to be known in the whole world or only a small town. That’s my personal fuel. Today I don’t have a programmed “American Dream” as my North but my personal purpose in life that guides me to manifest where I want to be, what project I want to be in, the people I want to work with and the message I want to spread with my work.



              Fiorella Migliore Sicilia Family

The Shameful Story is a new documentary that presents you as an essential co-star who interpret the role of herself. It is, without any doubt, an introspective experience. This last job has deeply connected you with your Italian roots. Would you like to tell us more about the impact that this doc had on you?

Omg yes. As soon as I read this question, I have in mind a specific scene we filmed with the Sicilian musician Alfio Antico inside an antique castle in a charming Sicilian village. It was a moment where I could feel my grand parents’ emotions… while listening to his music. There was something in the air as well as his voice… All my experiences filming The Shameful Story was like time-traveling. We also did a scene where I walked down the stairs of my grand mother’s childhood house. I felt their hands running down as kids while touching the same handrail… This project is so special to me. Specially how we connected with Italian director Nella Condorelli who has Paraguayan roots somehow. Amazes me how everything is so interconnected. I could go on… it’s just so special to me.


Fiorella the actress, the model, the chef, the tv host, the musician, the activist… in what other field would you love to challenge yourself? Do all these professional aspects of yours enter in conflict with each other or do they positively overlap?

I feel all of them together (and all the other versions of myself that are yet to come) have a voice in my everyday life. All of these paths taught me something and keep teaching me a lot. Not only for the inspiration they all bring when I express something but the discipline they all brought to my life. All of them. I may say I would love to master being a good partner and friend, a good sister, a good daughter, a good mother. My personal life is very important for me. And that leads me to go deeper into becoming a better human being everyday, using all the tools I’ve learned and continue learning in my professional paths.

 Next milestones planned?

To combine all paths with audiovisual projects. To Manifest my dream, to apply all I’ve learned either as actress, TV presenter, chef, activist… in projects to spread urgent messages to the humanity in the world. My dream, which is coming true, is to unite the Spanish speaking world with the English speaking world, and share a common message proving that diversity of languages and cultures are incredible excuses to get closer to each other.

As an actress, what are your dreams and the goals to be reached?

I want to be useful to projects that have a message to be spread. Today, my art and my expression, aren’t mine anymore. They belong to a project, a person, animals… that have something urgent to say. I feel acting is a lifestyle; that taught me to  speak a language of people I need to reach, a story I need to tell, a message that needs to be shared. I’m just a channel.

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We enjoyed this cheerful chat with Fiorella, you can find more information about her career and projects just right here, have a look: Fiorella Migliore Official Website


“Sometime ago I was forced, for health reasons, to stay locked up in hospitals for a long time and from there I realized the importance of being alive and staying in the open air, watching the colors of a sunrise or a sunset, feel the wind that caresses your face just for a minute and enjoying the scents that only the nature of this land can give you, even from a window.”


Tell us something about you and Isula Design!

My name is Francesca, I live and work in a small seaside village in the district of Sassari (in the North Sardinia). I like everything that has color, form and tradition. I am a nature and animals lover, I live with the fact that I love my dog Sunshine, who taught me to love his world!

I love to walk by the sea as well as in the countryside and  I like stars, the moon, the sun, but also rain and melancholy. I consider myself a very (perhaps too) sensitive and emotional person, full of life. I like to smile and the smile on the face of the people I come close to sends me endless positivity! I am a natural and colorful food lover, as fruit and vegetables are. I think that in life there is always a lot to learn from other people, with humility and respect.

I graduated two years ago as a seamstress / modeler at the School of Art and Fashion in Sassari, for me a dream that came true and I want to continue creating with my style “SardAfrican”, because every woman wants externalize what’s inside, being free to feel colors and by being unique!

Can you tell us more about the ISULA PROJECT?

The project Isula design and the choice of the name was born out of this land, Sardinia, that is very close to me. It is my island that commands my heart, which offers different colors and shapes, but also distant Africa, which is also close in a sense!

Where do you find the inspiration?

The design of the clothes like the colors chosen for the fabrics are a reflection of a deep sense of belonging to my island, endless source of my inspiration. In each piece I try to interpret, with great respect and modernity, the ancient traditions of Sardinia and the bright colors and distinctive landscapes that this land gives to me. Mixing my Sardinians immense passion with the ancient soul and freedom of the African continent, the wonderful and colorful countrywomen, my collection becomes a perfect combination of ancient traditions and modernity, memories of deserts and unreachable mountains, open seas and splendid colors.

Each dress is the story of a mood, each color a feeling. Each collection is an old music.

Where was your passion born?

The passion for the art began as a child, growing quickly with a strong aesthetic sense towards clothing. As a teenager, I began to wish for a look that could fully represent my personality. Finding no garment that reflected my desires, exploded in me the urge to create by myself the wardrobe of my dreams.

Without ever having sewn, driven by a lively inspiration, I bought my first piece of cloth and alone, with the sewing machine of a dear friend, I created my first skirt. Driven by this magical inspiration, I created a garment after the other, with no experience, no pattern, just by looking, touching the fabric and getting carried away by instinct. My friends, affected by the visionary forms and evocative colors, asked me to create dresses for commission.

As if I had done nothing all my life long, I began to study by myself all methods to tailor, to improve day by day the quality of my clothes.

The requests came from people like me, who wanted to wear one of my dresses, out from the usual style, and they increase more and more and at some point it came natural the creation of a brand that identifies perfectly with my style.

I had the impression that nature plays a really important role in your world and for your fashion…

Oh yeah, I love to talk and listen to nature! Sometime ago I was forced, for health reasons, to stay locked up in hospitals for a long time and from there I realized the importance of being alive and stay in the open air, watching the colors of a sunrise or a sunset, feel the wind that caresses your face just for a minute and enjoying the scents that only the nature of this land can give you, even from a window. I think there is no better place to take photos for my clothes and feel in tune with it!

What does your logo represents?

The logo represents for me eternal freedom.

In fact the inspiration comes from the Egyptian key of life, which is also known as the Ankh, or the Egyptian cross Ankh. It is a T cross crowned by a circle, an oval and in some representations, by a snake that twists (the serpent is the symbol of wisdom and if chasing its tail forming a circle is a symbol of eternity). The form of the ankh remembers a key and that is also the reason why it is called “Key of Life” or “Key of the Nile”. Symbolic representation of life and survival after death, but it has been interpreted as a free butterfly, with Sardinian spikes.

The message is therefore to feel free, colorful, feminine, rich in tradition, but above all unique and special wearing my dresses!


