Archivi tag: fresh ingredients


In the lush heart of Singapore, a little masterpiece of European and Asian fusion cuisine began in June 2015.



La Ventana is not only a restaurant, but a destination. The end point between two countries in a meal, surrounded by a lush garden in a timeless colonial building.

At the helm of this wonderful balance of flavours is Chef Tony Valero. After his training and fame obtained in Costa Brava, driven by his thirst for knowledge, Valero heads to El Viajante in London and subsequently to the Moo, Omm Hotel in Barcelona.


Chef Toni Valero_1


Inspired by the Globetrotters met during his path, a new ambition of bringing his passion into the World and the World into his passions settles in his mind. After Europe, a call to the East was inevitable. The road heads up with the executive head chef role at the search and interpretation of a modern reconstruction of Spanish cuisine, with fresh and local ingredients, in a latino-oriental mix which turns out magical. Now, after the successful experience in Malaysia at The Internmark and the Coquo, in Kuala Lumpur, the arrival at La Ventana, where Tony’s mission continues with Spanish and Asian’s influences in a caliente equilibrium zen.


Processed with VSCO with a6 preset Charcoal-grilled Secreto Iberico, Fermented Pineapple Jus, Grilled Pineapple Salmon, Mustard, Ginger

Beauty and flavor in dishes and location, where the search for perfection emerges.

So, if your path brings you to Singapore, stop and rediscover, with a delightful delicacy, the world on a plate.

La Ventana was recently rebranded Tapas 26 with a new look and new website Address: 26a Dempsey Rd, Singapore 247695 – Phone: +65 6479 0100