Archivi tag: unique pieces


“Wallpaper is a fantastic, infinite, wonderful, fascinating world. There are so many types of wallpaper. The one I use for my products, especially for bags, is the thicker vinyl wallpaper, more resistant especially to humidity and water.”


The Story

Arianna Cappellini was born in a small town, near the Tuscan city of Pistoia. Their parents who wanted to redeem themselves from a state of simplicity and poverty. Two “lions” she said, two ambitious, united and fighting people. Their determination brought to the birth of a company producing sofas and armchairs, which slowly, in the 70s, led them to reach a status quo since always desidered. Both passed away between 2019 and 2020, leaving a deep void behind, and a great legacy: the desire to do something, to create something for themselves.

“I started working on my project, after almost 20 years work as a styling-artbuyer, in short as the one who works alongside the photographer for the creation of photographic images for various sales catalogs, for furniture field customers. It was and it is a fun and very, very creative job. It is about recreating small or large environments around the object, protagonist of the scene, researching the decorative elements called “props”. I had to go for shops, for warehouses, for companies, always looking for the right object to create the right atmosphere. Often it happened to me to also design the entire catalog and the various photo shots.

Around 2018, I felt the need to “do” something for me. During my styling activity, I often used wallpaper, as a decoration, for walls that created the set. It also happened to buy an object made of this material. I was struck by the fact that it was an object of daily use, made with a material that was not really born to be handled, but that was born to be fixed to a wall, and to remain there for the time that is deemed necessary. In 2018, therefore, following this push of “doing something” for me, I started creating small objects: ornamental decorations, earrings, necklaces. But the main goal was to create a special bag, one “adorned” and precious, for women.

Tilde & Flor was born just like this, an entirely fantasy name, female, as well as the name of my bags, all name of artists, singers, painters…”

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Wallpaper is a fantastic, infinite, wonderful, fascinating world. There are so many types of wallpaper. The one I use for my products, especially for bags, is the thicker vinyl wallpaper, more resistant especially to humidity and water. The bags are made according to my project and sewn by an artisan company in the field of leather goods, so they are built like all the bags currently on the market. Reinforced and lined and with decorative elements, ranging from bamboo handle, to resin chain, which becomes a handle. Fabrics like linings also recovered from leftover or waste material. Furthermore every bag is cruelty free.

The gem is that each bag has to be a unique piece, above all because each bag it is made with sheets of wallpaper, recovered from the sales catalogs, abandoned by the manufacturing companies, which I started to recover, in the trimmings shops.

What’s so special?

My creations are all unique pieces, there is no piece like the other. They are original, in the form and details, because of the material that dresses them. The project foresees the reuse of the material that comes from the disused catalogs, and therefore they are bags that follow a civic sense in reusing material that would be thrown away.

Furthermore, and not least, they are light, and we -women- know how annoying heavy bags are, which are then filled up to become very heavy objects.

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My passion comes from wanting to test myself, from wanting to create something beautiful that came from my ideas, my creativity, and the desire to redeem the great work done by my parents, as a small businesswoman.


The difficulties are always around the corner… The biggest difficulty for me is the production. Mine is very very limited precisely because they are all unique pieces and because Tilde&Flor was born and still has to make itself known. The production I said, is and has been a big obstacle, both for the manpower and for the costs. Now I hope to have met the artisan company that has decided to marry my project. I’m happy.


Expand the sales network. And above all to pass the concept, that the wallpaper bag is not a bag that is ruined precisely because of paper, but it can be a bag like the others with its strengths and weaknesses. It is also a unique and special object and never the same.



My advice

Never give up, have courage, believe in your own ideas, and above all jump into adventure with one foot anchored to the ground, however 🙂

For now I look at the present, with an eye to the future.




Matteo Vanzolini

 “A one-of-a -kind talent in fashion design inflamed by the fires of creativity.”


Matteo Vanzolini, born and trained in Rimini in 1983.

A one-of-a -kind talent in fashion design inflamed by the fires of creativity, Matteo gives birth over and over again to shoes, bags and skirts created with an unique and precious Italian touch and a keen aesthetic sense for women.

An Artistic High School diploma followed by the graduation at C.E.R.C.A.L. – Centro Ricerca e Scuola Internazionale Calzaturiera – in one of the most relevant shoe industrial districts left him with experience in practice and technical supervision, and a strong passion for stylistic learning. The importance of meeting with the designer Diego Dolcini, as personal assistant for the main line was undeniable. This experience was essential for a more overall technical and stylistic training; with the style office he worked on the capsule collections for the brand Scholl, Scholl Fashion and Scholl Luxury. After years of collaboration, in 2011 Matteo decided to create his own brand “diMètiu”, starting a new personal path always and exclusively oriented to women shoes.

“The idea to have my personal creative space was born in 2012, I felt the necessity to express myself and find a meeting point for all the ladies who desired diMetiu creations, and study with them custom-tailored items on demand. With the creative support of Gotti & Mascia studio, Studio of interior design and Corporate Identity, in only 4 months, on April  13th, 2013 I inaugurated Atelier diMetiu, in downtown Rimini.”

“The venue is what I always dreamt about; warm and cozy, intimate, a refined parlor inspired to the 50s, where the client could feel comfortable to sit and sip a cup of tea, free to wear the shoes and make a final decision in hush. My biggest ambition would be to place my creations to other dealers outside my city, I am already moving in this direction, I am taking into consideration the opening of a second shop where I can place all the unsold stocks.”

In his city, he is called “the boy who makes pretty shoes” because his classic and refined imprint meets the need of the young lady and the one of the mid age woman that desires a shoe of excellent quality that no one else possesses. The segment of the market Matteo has chosen is a medium-high target, his footwear are artisan productions, created from wise handicraftsman in a limited edition, unique pieces with special fabrics and refinements.

“My specialty, besides the utilization of classic leather such as nappa leather, suede, and python leader, I use High fashion precious fabrics. My research goes among local vintage markets and warehouses where I get lost with my curiosity to find the most particular and intriguing fabric. I love using Tartan in every color, and in the winter collection 2014- 2015 I have used six different types.”

Matteo told us that once a client entered his shop and told him these words: “I wanted to thank you on behalf of all the women because you make us dream with these shoes and your marvelous shop windows”, that comment really moved me and this is a joy for me. Beside the difficult crisis we are living through in Italy, I am strongly motivated, I won’t give up.

“My passion for footwear was born several years ago, my mum and my grandmother used to take me with them touring different factory outlets in San Mauro Pascoli, and I guess that is when my passion started, seeing those incredible shoes worn by my mother. My professional career started after Artistic High school, in the private school C.E.R.C.A.L. for the moment I am totally concentrated in the women universe, but it happened that some men asked me if I would produce a men’s collection.

In my atelier you can find not only shoes but a complete line of high fashion skirts with a cut from the 50s, made with the same fabrics as the shoes to combine them and integrate also clutch bags strictly handmade in a mix of colors.”

Via Serpieri 17, Rimini (Italy)