/deɪzæbil/ Adj.n.
The state of being only partly or scantily clothed.
In a state of undress.
We will focus on different fields, from Fashion to Food, from Food to Travel till Sustainability, as they are all part of the same universe, analyzing each aspect by means of sociological reflections.
Because Fashion is regarded as the antithesis of tradition. To follow Fashion is looked at as a differentiation or a distancing strategy; we all want to be different and unique, to use unexpected combinations and different rules.
Gianni Versace used to say: “Style is something only if it is yours” hence each one of us has a value, a significance as an unequaled universe of ideas and creativity.
Déshabillé puts itself into play and takes the challenge to surprise readers with tips on the finest Italian handcrafted clothing shops and international charming boutiques that present fascinating items of clothing. We will come out with some pop ups about curious and catchy new fashion designers on the scene. We will feature interesting young unknown talented Italian and International photographers, stylists and other professional figures. Last but not the least goal is to stress the importance of the Made in Italy and spread it all around our amazing World.
Déshabillé, being faithful to its name, dares to do something different: it’s going to unwrap you, going to the deep by telling your story to the reader.
In the storytelling hot zone, a special enlightenment will be given to young brilliant, cosmopolitan women and men determined to reach their goals in life. By sharing their experiences from every corner of the world, our main purpose is to inspire the youngest and generally speaking everyone, to invite them to value their potentialities, believe in their authenticity and be the best version they can BE.
Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are! Dis-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai ce que tu es!
Cooking has become fashionable. Food is charged with emotions. Food preparation demands hands, head and heart.Food is entertainment. The food we eat is closely linked to cultural codes, which enables it to become a good indicator of our identity.
Simply because it shapes global minds and we want to BE GLOCAL.
Be Local and be Global: we value the characteristics of our local territory but we are global in the moment we communicate our beliefs.
We are a whole with the Earth, we are part of a society, we feel the necessity to build something for the future and for our present, for us. We can prove that you can be fashionable and responsible at the same time by caring more for what you buy, taking in consideration to purchase in second hand, vintage shops, buying from local fashion designers and supporting their small productions is caring.
/deɪzæbil/Agg. m.
Essere, stare, trovarsi in déshabillé, in liberta’, semivestito.
Déshabillé si mette in gioco e raccoglie una sfida; daremo consigli su singolari negozi artigianali italiani, meravigliose boutiques all’estero uniche nello stile dei loro capi, stili affascinanti catturati da vari obiettivi per le strade di Roma, Milano, Bologna, Londra, Monaco, Berlino, apriremo dei pop up curiosi su nuovi stilisti emergenti.
Déshabillé si permette di fare qualcosa in piu’: ti mette a nudo, raccontando di te agli altri. Una speciale luce verrà accesa su giovani di talento, brillanti, cosmopoliti, che con determinazione investono giorno per giorno su se stessi per raggiungere i loro sogni e realizzare i loro progetti. Siamo pronti a raccontare storie provenienti da qualsiasi angolo del mondo, che ispirino altri giovani a essere semplicemente la versione migliore di se’ stessi.