Archivi tag: T-shirt

Giulia Bonandini



“Imagine all the people sharing all the world” says John Lennon. We all know this song, but now more than ever, we need to share something.

So, I want to tell a story. A story about a young designer: no seams, no cuts, no tricky fabrics. One t-shirt, only one concept: Love as religion, by Giulia Bonandini, a 24 years old designer from Turin.

How your brand was born?

When I graduated I needed to get in touch with different cultures, my travel to India was the first step to look for myself and my identity as a designer. I needed to understand the world I had chosen. Love as religion is not a brand, it’s a way of life.

Was your muslim boyfriend a problem in your project?

Yes, I started thinking about myself and him as a fusion of cultures not only as a love affair. He gave me the input to go on. Who is Giulia? What kind of life she wants?


So, to tranfer your concept, do you choose a T-shirt.




At the beginning it was just a way to have something mine to do. T-shirt is the fastest way to communicate your idea. First of all, by opinions, surveys, interview, then I built the base, then I bought the T-shirts!


What has the main surprise?

Many young Muslims asked, they were curious. Sometimes people think we are opposite poles, but I named their culture that of the hug. They want to listen to you, mostly new generations. They are not marketing or trend victims, they only want to know and discover.


About your project. News? Tecniques?

I saw a large interest, so I realized a logo-pattern for foulards and bag (maybe). I prefer basic-product to make stronger my concept, with direct digital print.


Choice of colors?

Black and white is a classic, natural colors instead want to be a fil-rouge of my idea. For the future I’m thinking of salmon pink, pearl, noisette, always natural colors, but with a look for the trend.


What was the main problem you have had in your project?

Foundrising, looking for print shops, someone able to to produce a small sample collection. It’s not easy. I’ll do the rest: photos, lookbook, social campaign, as I could, with university network.


I think, your message is important today. Italy, Europe, the whole world, with Covid-19 emergency, need something to believe. Fashion not like overproduction and trend, but fashion like concept and sustainability. Have you any last message about this?


Faith and love are similar, love as religion was born with this intent. We are all the same and we all need everyone’s help.


Giulia Bonandini graduated at European Insitute of Design in 2018 in Turin, is working for a fashion studio in Turin, and she is carry on with her project.

Her Mission.


Go and see “loveasreligion” on Instagram.


Benedetta Simone