Archivi tag: emergent fashion designer

Giulia Bonandini



“Imagine all the people sharing all the world” says John Lennon. We all know this song, but now more than ever, we need to share something.

So, I want to tell a story. A story about a young designer: no seams, no cuts, no tricky fabrics. One t-shirt, only one concept: Love as religion, by Giulia Bonandini, a 24 years old designer from Turin.

How your brand was born?

When I graduated I needed to get in touch with different cultures, my travel to India was the first step to look for myself and my identity as a designer. I needed to understand the world I had chosen. Love as religion is not a brand, it’s a way of life.

Was your muslim boyfriend a problem in your project?

Yes, I started thinking about myself and him as a fusion of cultures not only as a love affair. He gave me the input to go on. Who is Giulia? What kind of life she wants?


So, to tranfer your concept, do you choose a T-shirt.




At the beginning it was just a way to have something mine to do. T-shirt is the fastest way to communicate your idea. First of all, by opinions, surveys, interview, then I built the base, then I bought the T-shirts!


What has the main surprise?

Many young Muslims asked, they were curious. Sometimes people think we are opposite poles, but I named their culture that of the hug. They want to listen to you, mostly new generations. They are not marketing or trend victims, they only want to know and discover.


About your project. News? Tecniques?

I saw a large interest, so I realized a logo-pattern for foulards and bag (maybe). I prefer basic-product to make stronger my concept, with direct digital print.


Choice of colors?

Black and white is a classic, natural colors instead want to be a fil-rouge of my idea. For the future I’m thinking of salmon pink, pearl, noisette, always natural colors, but with a look for the trend.


What was the main problem you have had in your project?

Foundrising, looking for print shops, someone able to to produce a small sample collection. It’s not easy. I’ll do the rest: photos, lookbook, social campaign, as I could, with university network.


I think, your message is important today. Italy, Europe, the whole world, with Covid-19 emergency, need something to believe. Fashion not like overproduction and trend, but fashion like concept and sustainability. Have you any last message about this?


Faith and love are similar, love as religion was born with this intent. We are all the same and we all need everyone’s help.


Giulia Bonandini graduated at European Insitute of Design in 2018 in Turin, is working for a fashion studio in Turin, and she is carry on with her project.

Her Mission.


Go and see “loveasreligion” on Instagram.


Benedetta Simone


London’s calling! Wanna join our Fashion Event in London?

19th October, meet us at Lumiere London - Look @ Me Event

Déshabillé Magazine has a prime focus on something no digital platform can give or replace: the human touch and encounter. From Milan to London, the event will involve young entrepreneurs, artists and performers, emerging fashion designers, fashion buyers, media houses from around the world to network in support of talent. DM is aimed at actively raising awareness and the gathering of resources to meet key current societal needs, since fashion and art around the world has been able to successfully bring together society’s elite.
DM in essence uses art as a vehicle to rally support in establishing a creative and business network for future generations so here we come with our Fashion Event in London.


Déshabille Magazine team

The team composes of female freelancers & creatives who share the same passion and values: hardworking, supportive, dreamers, travelers based across Milan, Modena, London, New York, Los Angeles and Kuala Lumpur.

Déshabillé Magazine believes in talent and people. We recognize the challenges of many artists and creatives in finding resources and support – hence we aim to provide a solution by bringing talent together in a support hub.


Artists in three categories – Photography, Fashion Design, Sustainability– will be showcased during the networking party. In collaboration with Lumiere London, HERE, Remida, Oro Nero Creazioni and Bensone we will empower young entrepreneurs and artists with the real chance to meet professionals and journalists in their industry, receiving a feedback during the day of their performance and win experiences that will enrich their professional life, boosting their entrepreneurial path.

Supported also by:

Cecilia Rinaldi – Jury Director

Cecilia Rinaldi Ethical designer

Cecilia is an ethical and sustainable fashion designer graduated from the Accademia Italiana Art Fashion and Design in Florence, where she also currently teaches.  She attended Richland College’s Cultural Studies program and Esmod International Fashion Academy in Berlin.

Cecilia values collaboration and looks for opportunities to volunteer with other sustainable brands around the globe as a way to increase her knowledge and help spread and support the movement of sustainable and ethical fashion. During the event she will guide the Jury in the final selection of the winning designer.

 Olivia Igwe – Our Event Presenter

Olivia Igwe art director

Olivia will be our energetic host during our first British event with her ability in connecting people and her broad vision of fashion.  Graduated from Istituto Marangoni in Paris as an Art Director then she made her way to improve her skills as a Personal Shopper and Image Consultant  with Evolu- tion Partner, in Switzerland.

She helps vibrant yet, misunderstood creative entrepreneurs create their perfect editorial photoshoot experience that will elevate their brand and create a massive visibility and instantly captivate and connect to their audience. She has worked in the fashion and beauty industry and her work has been involved with many renowned magazines, well known celebrities but also with her diverse clients.

Special thanks to all the partners that will help us to organize a fantastic and sustainable event like Venturini Baldini organic wines, Black+Blum London, Water in a Box, Ginjan Brothers and many more.

If you are interested in this fun opportunity to be connected to other professionals in your industry and find out what surprises we have in mind for the winner of the contest. Join us, we accept applications until the 30th September, places are limited.

Register HERE





Melika Najafizadeh

Name, date of birth and professional background?


Melika Najafizadeh, 25/09/1995


How does it feel to be the first lady in Middle-East to create an Italian Menswear brand?

Melika Najafizadeh Fashion DesignerI’d like to be an inspiration as an entrepreneur for women who are struggling and bound to be appointed at the helm of the fashion industry especially to work in the men industry since it’s what we are missing in the fashion world. I’m strong willed to embrace the power of being a woman and to create my own independent men’s label. I believe that no one more than a woman can give the touch of elegance to the men outfits.


What obstacles have you faced in order to be who you are today?


Melika Najafizadeh Fashion Brand MilanIran is among top ten countries with the richest tradition and cultural heritage which I’m really proud of, but sometimes strong traditions don’t allow flexibility. This fact taught all of our Iranian women including me how to improve their level of tolerance and reframe their thoughts to create the desirable solution. I know that being a young entrepreneur in the fashion industry is not easy at all and hardship will be my constant companion but I believe all dreams can be achieved if you are brave enough to pursue them.

What was the turning point for you… when was the moment you realized you wanted to do more and transformed your life?


I turned my life into a journey full of uncertainty when I was just 18 years old which made me grow up in an unexpected way. Studying in diverse international universities and being in touch with different cultures taught me how to deal with things from different perspectives.


What do you love about your country, Iran? How much of your culture is in your designs?


GOLD is the soul and heart of Lakilem. It is the common symbolic element of my name meanings (Queen, fairy and queen bee) which is strongly associated with Iranian (middle eastern) culture in both material and immaterial way. In my culture, gold not only defines prestige, royalty and power but it is also strongly linked with confidence, happiness, success and compassion.


How do you see yourself in the next 3 years?


Expand the brand on an international level. Launching L’AKILEM charity to bring gold moments into people lives.

Melika Najafizadeh Fashion Brand


To support Melika’s brand, follow her Instagram and check her designs on FB