Archivi tag: Love&Values

B.e Quality

Pilar Morales, a Peruvian Textile Engineer graduated at UPC, Spain, has been working as Quality Control and Production Manager since 1998 for European brands and traveling around the world, is the founder of B.e Quality brand.



The B.e Quality Project re-started on 2017 with the collaboration of 2 fantastic Italian designers. I have decided to create a brand which could be based on the Slow Fashion concept, being Sustainable, Vegan friendly, made with the Highest Quality and with Love to last in time.

And this is what we do: Men, Women and Newborn Timeless garments made in the Highest Quality to last in time, in a Sustainable&Ethical way. The B.e Quality Cotton fabric is a knitted fabric in natural Organic Peruvian Pima cotton that is as soft and shiny as silk, even after years of wearig it. Better known as the Cashmere of Cottons, as per its high quality.

Moreover, the manufacturing is paying attention to details that really make the difference.

Garments should last in time, as Love&Values do!

I was seeing the other side of the coin of the fashion world, the opposite of what we see here. This is the reason why I decided to create my own project based on human values and Respect.


Actually I really have never been interested in Fashion, but I was good at numbers and as an Engineer’s daughter, I wanted to make Engineering. Peru has a big tradition on textiles, as pre-columbian civilizations developed special techniques for weaving and dyeing. And this fascinated me.

When I was 15 years old, I had very clear I wanted to be a Textile Engineer, that is a technician who manages each step of the production process (nothing really related to design). I had been lucky to meet somebody who went to the same university I did afterwards. And I felt in love with this discipline. I’ve been offered at that time a full scholarship to go to the US for any career, except Textile Engineer, and I declined it!

1993 I started the university in Spain, I loved it, as we spent a lot of hours in the laboratories, making so many practice… how to set up spinning&knitting machines, the quality control… it was great!

1998 after my graduation, I started to work in this industry.


My dream is to create a successful business based on Respect. And that in some way helps me to live in a more balanced way.

What inspires you?

A question someone asked me many years ago is what inspired me: how would you act in this situation if you were Love?

In that moment my brain was saying: Whaaaaat??? and went out of it’s automatic mode. This helped me to see further… and understood that both in the mid and long term, the best solution is to allow the Love guide my choices and my actions (and not fear, sadness, insecurity, anger, pride, ambition, etc…).

How may I combine my professional skills with this and how can I share this with others? The answer to this for me is the Love Collection, a small collection of garments that have the intention to remind us to practise more the gestures of Love, that warm our hearts! And that is why I have created the Love Collection: to remind us (me at first) to act guided by Love.


How do you pursue your goals?

I have been making consultancy since 2006 in the fashion industry.

I have created B.e Quality on 2010, based on Responsible and Sustainable production, making Slowfashion pieces. Still I felt I needed to create something that could have a stronger message. The more I observe how we live today, and our scale of values, and how we are full of objects and a tight agenda, but empty inside… And what is the common thing behind the people acting with anger, fear, insecurity, pride? A lack of love!

How do you motivate yourself?

For me living in Love is not an automatic state, and my aim is to learn day by day how to be closer to that. And I think I’m not alone on this journey, so I decided to share it with more people and in some way, together supporting each other.

The beautiful thing of this journey I just started with the Love Collection is that I am learning a lot about myself, my needs, the benefits of living a slower life, the benefits of the love in our health and happiness, I am also meeting special people that support me or inspire and teach me to act ‘in Love’ and compassion.

 I am very grateful that my work is helping to grow and learn to be a better person! It is a great gift! 


Which kind of difficulties you had to face?

The first barrier to break was to talk about my feelings and beliefs on my ‘working’ environment: In my professional life I was very disciplined and would never show my human side. As the role I was playing as a consultant, I had to be very effective, strategic, having everything under control…

Then my belief that integrating the Love message in a fashion collection was not going to be understood in the way I meant it. This is why it took me more than 1 year to start it. And I was so wrong! Everyday I receive confirmations that people gets the message very clear.

My will to build a respectful and sustainable collaboration has turned on an irrespectful and unfulfilled supplier, as they are not used to this kind of approach. I need to improve it for the future!

Now my aim is to reach more people with this message! So, today I’m studying marketing, communication, while finding the right partner on these areas.

But I guess this is just the start, so I am open to learn and break down more walls, meet new special people with joy and love!
