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“Elegance must always be the foundation of everything. Even before wearing a dress, it must be part of the attitude of a person. Only then you can give life to what you wear. My passion starts from here. From the beauty of women.”


Who is the young powerful lady Elisa?!

I am a young creative girl who has always done everything that was going through her head. Despite the difficulties, I have always had big dreams and big ambitions and I have always aimed for something bigger.

My passion is to create clothes, which means to me an idea to become reality, a form, a thought or emotion.

How and why did you start to work as a Fashion Designer?

It’s something that I have always had inside, that slowly took shape over time, and so has turned into this job. There is no exact timeline to which I could place my decision to become a fashion designer.

Could you imagine having a different job?!

I could adapt to everything, but I could never imagine my life doing another job. For me it is not a job, it’s a real passion to which you can assign the value in getting more work.

Where do you find your inspiration?

There is not an historical period or an exact event from where I find inspiration. The flair and the inspiration come from everywhere and everything and from nothing: I mean, sometimes I find it looking at someone walking on the street, from the colours that I see in the city and are parts of it… but also from a thought, or just putting together different fabrics, and the forms they create can be a source of inspiration for me. I can be really inspired from everything! The most important thing is to be able to interpret ideas and to put them into reality.

What is your philosophy? Where does your passion come from?

My philosophy is to make something beautiful into something even more beautiful, that is able to emphasize the best side of the female body. Elegance must always be the foundation of everything. Even before wearing a dress, it must be part of the attitude of a person. Only then you can give life to what you wear. My passion starts from here. From the beauty of women.

I started my journey learning the trade a few years ago in a tailor’s shop where a great seamstress was able to form me and teach me the secrets of this work. I did not attend any academy of fashion; I just did practiced in tailoring, where I started sewing simple linings. I have always been fascinated by everything around me, my ideas were born playing around with the fabric and the dressmaker’s dummy. Just the touch of high quality fabric moves me, to observe the expert hands of a seamstress that transform a design into reality, and to see my idea taking shape. I think that direct contact with the fabrics and the sewing machine is the most effective way to learn and absorb the most of everything that you need to know. It takes a great load of patience and humility, but if you have patience, passion and determination nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams.

What is the message you want to share with the colours and materials you choose?

For this collection i decided to use natural fibers, like silk, nettle, soy and hemp. I am a lover of light colors and contrasts. The colors that I like to use are beige and light peach. They are colours that are lightweight, make clean shapes and personally, for me, they represent serenity. I also like to create contrasts with these colors combining them with more nuance decided, as can be white, black, or simply create contrasts embellishing the fabric with crystals.

What are your goals for the future?

My goal for the future is surely to keep doing what I love. I would like to have a distribution and make it grow over time showing what I know and what I can do.

You are young and a woman: do you think that it is more difficult for you to be credible?

Absolutely not. I think the credibility depends on the actual capacity of a person, regardless of whether it is male or female. I think to devalue the work of a person just because she is a woman, is part of a mind perhaps a little “bigoted”. By now many women have very important roles of men and I think that we are slowly moving away from the idea of the woman like an housewife without ambitions.

Your biggest regret / failure / success / intuition!

I think it’s still early to talk about failures and successes. Definitely my success for now is to have the good fortune of being able to realize and develop my projects, in this I am very lucky. Having courage and the desire to get in the game, I consider a small success.

What would you like to change in the fashion world/ culture?

The fashion world contains within itself many diverse branches and many different tasks. People often generalize when it comes to fashion. It’s a world worked primarily by designers and tailors, from which everything is born, then around them all other tasks are developed.

There is nothing in particular that I would change… maybe I would relive in a period when the great couturier was given more importance, when we focused more on the work done by hand.

The new collection of Elisa Sanna is now available for the customers!





Ombraluna Vintage is an online shop with vintage clothes and accessories from all around the world. Every item has a story to tell and an emotion to give. Find your favourite one!”


I (Giuseppina) am a seamstress who likes to describe herself as “empirical”. I’ve been sewing since I was 7 years old and I’ve been a vintage collector since I was 12. I started to collect the old clothes of my mother and my aunts and I attended the flea markets of my city, Cagliari, with my father from my earliest years. The most famous of these was the one at the Bastione in Cagliari. I remember my Sundays as always accompanied by an urge for exploration and adventure.

How did you start?

I started Ombraluna Vintage in the summer of 2012, but it was something that I had been wanting to do for years. The combination of my two great passions – sewing and vintage – is the root of Ombraluna. The name is a fusion of words that came to me during some long hours in a waiting room. A lucky epiphany in a constant white noise which proved to me that creativity had no barriers.

Where do you go for shopping?

The search of clothes happens in a selective and random way at the same time. Selective because it is important for me that all the clothes and accessories are of excellent quality, random because I let myself be guided by what I usually call the fluid, a kind of invisible motor that shows me where to go and what to buy. It never fails. Markets and private lockers are my kingdom. It’s of great importance to me that I know the story of the item itself. I firmly believe that there is always something behind the choice of a dress. The background of the person who has previously worn that particular item is often connected to the object itself. It’s like an ongoing dialectical and emotional relationship. The clothes always have a soul and a story to tell. All clothes and accessories from “Ombraluna Vintage” have been professionally cleaned and and repaired. Repairing is one of the things that fascinates me the most in my job and I give it a lot of importance and time. It feels like an exercise of style and patience and it binds me deeply to the materials on which I work.


I believe that everyone has the right to express their personality through their own vision of fashion and style. I have always been against the strict rules of fashion. To me, vintage is about absolute freedom. No size nor particular style is better than other. I love everything that is colorful, special and evokes an emotion or a memory. This is also the origin of my passion. I love seeing the life that clothes can give and I love giving life to clothes.

You find Ombraluna Vintage here:

