Archivi tag: Cagliari

Claudia Errante

In the Spring 2013 I asked myself: “There must be a way to wear a turban with the comfort of having them already ready to wear, whenever you want, without having to tie and build them all the time!” No sooner than I thought it, I did it!


First of all I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell something about me in your wonderful magazine. I’m an italian fashion designer. I’m 27 years old and I am Sardinian. I live in a beautiful city, Cagliari, a place that helps me to be happy, although it’s very difficult to live here. I’m a very messy, eccentric and curious girl and I love imperfections.
In my job there are NO RULES (order, schemes and rules are not for me. I know, I’m very undisciplined!). I want to be free to live and I feel that I am really fulfilled.

In 2010 I finished my studies and graduated in Fashion Design at Istituto di Moda Burgo in Milan. Later I worked so hard, experienced and learned a lot thanks to some artists who, believing in me, allowed me to assist them in their work and teaching me the “True Life of a Craftsman”. I immediately wanted to get involved, getting more consensus on my debut, which occurred in March 2012.

From that moment I never stopped creating!

But for a moment I would like to put aside the “Claudia designer” and I want to speak to you as fashion lover. Even since I was a child, I never left my house without an accessory on my head; it could be a bow, a scarf or a hat, it did no matter, it was only important that I did not have a bare head (that’s how I feel if I don’t wear an accessory!)… this is my hallmark. Because I loved turbans, I tried often to build them in my head, and in the Spring 2013 I asked myself: “There must be a way to wear a turban with the comfort of having them already ready to wear, whenever you want, without having to tie and build them all the time!” No sooner than I thought it, I did it!

I experimented and found a perfect mixed structured line of a turban with the convenience of a real hat. Now I’m in effect THE GIRL OF TURBANS!  😀

Movie stars from the past and African women are my source of inspiration, even though they are two contrasting styles. It is an accessory that reminds me of grandmothers, the dark times that they lived and the desire to feel beautiful and stilysh, even though they could not wash or take care of their hair during the Second World War.

The woman, in general, is for me a source of inspiration, such as the many and strong women who fight against a disease, who need and want to feel beautiful despite fighting constantly with a monster trying to spoil their beauty. It is a kind of gift for them, a moment of being carefree and frivolous.

I allow them to combine helpful with pleasure.

Where does it happen?! Almost never in my city, because I always looking for high quality, rare or vintage fabrics and less popular, special prints and colors. I rely very often on a company that works also online, but of course my favourite stores are the markets organized in the city. There you can find many treasures, such as fine tablecloths, perfect to created one or more turbans, very old fabrics disused belonging to old seamstresses, the kind that makes you admire its textures and patterns, and makes you want to say the classic but true sentence: “There aren’t any more beautiful fabrics like in the past!”

I work alone, drawing, designing, sewing, advertising, organizing, selling, delivering and I also take care of everything that revolves around my brand. I’m also a waitress every night in a restaurant. That’s because I’m messy, undisciplined and disorganized! To be ble to have a person who works for me is the next step. Unfortunately until now I do not have the financial ability to hold up the expense of an assistant. I hope that things will get better and above all that the brand is able to fly, to afford to live only by my passion and give work to some greatly talented guys who are unfortunatly unemployed.

Social networks have given me the opportunity to have costumers from all over the world and a lot of visibility. Many American girls find my products via hashtag that I post on Intagram. Believe me, I did not think that social networks had all this power and this big utility!

Much of the credit of my success definitly goes to “Amazing*Us”, a cultural association that organizes events in my town dedicated to art and artisanship. They supported me, by allowing me to share my products at their events, that hosts Sardinian curious, but also with many tourists, giving them the opportunity to learn our local products.

Well, thanks to these events, I have expanded my costumers and now I regularly have lots of Russian, Spanish and English girls that have discovered my items and my brand during their vacation in Cagliari. Isn’t it cool?!?

Thank you so much dear Deshabille, it was an honor and a pleasure to chat with you!

Claudia Errante Fashion Designer




Ombraluna Vintage is an online shop with vintage clothes and accessories from all around the world. Every item has a story to tell and an emotion to give. Find your favourite one!”


I (Giuseppina) am a seamstress who likes to describe herself as “empirical”. I’ve been sewing since I was 7 years old and I’ve been a vintage collector since I was 12. I started to collect the old clothes of my mother and my aunts and I attended the flea markets of my city, Cagliari, with my father from my earliest years. The most famous of these was the one at the Bastione in Cagliari. I remember my Sundays as always accompanied by an urge for exploration and adventure.

How did you start?

I started Ombraluna Vintage in the summer of 2012, but it was something that I had been wanting to do for years. The combination of my two great passions – sewing and vintage – is the root of Ombraluna. The name is a fusion of words that came to me during some long hours in a waiting room. A lucky epiphany in a constant white noise which proved to me that creativity had no barriers.

Where do you go for shopping?

The search of clothes happens in a selective and random way at the same time. Selective because it is important for me that all the clothes and accessories are of excellent quality, random because I let myself be guided by what I usually call the fluid, a kind of invisible motor that shows me where to go and what to buy. It never fails. Markets and private lockers are my kingdom. It’s of great importance to me that I know the story of the item itself. I firmly believe that there is always something behind the choice of a dress. The background of the person who has previously worn that particular item is often connected to the object itself. It’s like an ongoing dialectical and emotional relationship. The clothes always have a soul and a story to tell. All clothes and accessories from “Ombraluna Vintage” have been professionally cleaned and and repaired. Repairing is one of the things that fascinates me the most in my job and I give it a lot of importance and time. It feels like an exercise of style and patience and it binds me deeply to the materials on which I work.


I believe that everyone has the right to express their personality through their own vision of fashion and style. I have always been against the strict rules of fashion. To me, vintage is about absolute freedom. No size nor particular style is better than other. I love everything that is colorful, special and evokes an emotion or a memory. This is also the origin of my passion. I love seeing the life that clothes can give and I love giving life to clothes.

You find Ombraluna Vintage here:

